Frequently Asked Questions
When a vehicle remains idle for a long time, the battery can gradually deplete to the point where it can't function correctly, significantly impacting its overall battery life. To mitigate this, it's advisable to deactivate the power supply when the vehicle is not in operation and perform a monthly check and recharge.
Please refer to the specific warranty agreements pertaining to different product types for more detailed information.
Each scooter is supplied with two sets of keys upon purchase. In the unfortunate event of misplacing both sets, it is recommended to contact your local dealer. The sole remedy in such a situation is to replace the key slots on the scooter.
Feel free to reach out to your nearby dealer and schedule a maintenance inspection for your scooter. They will ensure a thorough examination of all essential scooter components.
Our suggestion is to utilize a mild, non-abrasive detergent in combination with water when cleaning the scooter. After washing, it's advisable to use a soft cloth for wiping down the scooter to prevent any potential scratches.

This is within the expected range since the charger experiences significant strain during the charging process. If you suspect any issues with the charger's performance, we recommend contacting your local dealer for an evaluation.

To ensure the longevity of yourbattery, here are some key recommendations:

1,Maintain the battery charge above 20% toprevent excessive discharge.

2,Steer clear of using the battery in extremetemperature conditions. The battery performs optimally within a temperaturerange of -10°C to 45°C. Operating the battery outside this range may result inprolonged damage.

3,If you plan not to use your scooter for a long time, it's advisable to disconnect the batteryfrom the scooter and store it in a cool, dry location.

4,Aim to keep the battery charge level around50% when storing it for a while.

5,Avoid covering the battery with any materialsand ensure it remains at a safe distance from heat sources to prevent damage.

There are two main types of batteries: lead-acid and lithium-ion. Typically, lead-acid batteries require 8-10 hours for a full charge, while lithium-ion batteries generally take 7-8 hours. The cycle life, or the number of charge-discharge cycles a battery can endure, is typically around 300-600 times for lead-acid batteries and approximately 500-1000 times for lithium-ion batteries.
For more questions, please get in touch with your sales representative, or you can leave us a message online, and we will respond to you shortly.